Serving for 2 people
Time to Cook: 10 Minutes
Today most of us work from home and that forces to eat at home. We no longer go with a coworker to the healthy next door for lunch. We are force to either meal prep or make something quick. I recently start the Meal in10 minutes recipes for that reason. And of course Quick and healthy. This recipe has great combinations, salad and Beyond meat hot dogs.
That being said, the recipe is simply:
- 1 bag of spring mix
- Marinated onion, either prepared at home or ready made from a grocery store
- 4 tsp of olive oil
- 1 tbsp of sesame sauce
- 1/2 tbsp of organic flaxseeds
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 2 Beyond Meat hot dogs
Using a large skillet with cover, heat 2 tsp olive oil to high heat. Add the hot dogs and let cook for 3 mins on one side and then flip to cook the other side.
For the salad, add the spring mix in a bowl and top it off with the sesame sauce, salt, and olive oil. Mix all together before you add the flaxseeds and the marinated onion.
If you wish to make the marinated onion, here are the steps:
- One red onion sliced
- Place in a bowl and soak it in lemon & vinegar overnight.