Serving for 4 people
Time to make: 20 mins
Here is another recipe inspired by beyond meat sausages. This sauté made with mushrooms, red bell pepper, and white asparagus couldn’t be more better than adding the vegan beyond meat sausages. I always like to think about what else I can blend those tasty sausages. This sautés is quick to make and has a very refreshing taste.
To make the salad you will need to have the following:
- 4 Vegan Beyond Meat sausages sliced
- Small box of cremini mushrooms
- 1 red bell pepper, cut into cubes
- A bunch of white Asparagus sliced
- Vegan shredded mozzarella
- 4 tsp virgin olive oil
- 1 tsp of salt
- 1 tsp of black pepper
- 1 cut in cubes onion
Step 1: in a medium heated skillet add the olive oil and onion and let simmer for two mins and then add the red bell pepper. Mix together for another two mins
Step 2: Add the rest of the ingredients and mix. Add the salt, black pepper, and stir frequently until vegetables look brown. You can cover the skillet with a lid if you have one for 5 mins. Total cooking time should not exceed 15 mins.
Step 3: remove the skillet and set it aside. Add the Vegan shredded mozzarella on top and let cool for two mins. Then serve with hummus or zouq sauce.